What Is a Project in Project Management?

project in project management

Projects are vital for business growth and new product development. According to the PMI, a project is a series of structured tasks, activities, and deliverables carefully executed to achieve a desired outcome. It is a temporary effort to create value through unique products, services, and processes. Projects are temporary organizations created to achieve specific objectives. …

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Acquisition Vs Disposition

acquisition vs disposition

Acquisition and disposition are two different business concepts used to achieve long-term goals. Today’s post will discuss the acquisition, disposition, and difference between these terms. Acquisition Acquisition is gaining control over assets, businesses, or properties. Organizations undertake a strategic move to expand their operations, increase market share, or gain access to new resources. Acquisitions are …

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What is a 360 Customer View

360 customer view

A 360-degree customer view is the comprehensive understanding of a customer through data collected from different touchpoints and sources. It helps businesses create an accurate customer profile by incorporating information from different interactions and channels.  This concept is used in customer relationship management (CRM) and allows businesses to provide customers with a personalized and seamless …

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Account Receivable Vs Deferred Revenue

Account Receivable Vs Deferred Revenue

Businesses must first track their financials, inflows, and outflows so that they may, in turn, track their expenses, profits, and losses. In financial accounting, these processes are called “accounts receivable” and “deferred revenue.” Today’s blog post will discuss these two accounting concepts and their differences. Accounts Receivable An account receivable is a payment the business …

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