Resource Leveling Vs Resource Smoothing


This blog post will discuss the difference between Resource Leveling Vs Resource Smoothing. It rarely happens that you have all resources to complete the project. Even if you have them, during project execution, any risk can take away that freedom, and you will have to manage with fewer resources. Even when you have all the …

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Contact Hours Vs PDUs


You are preparing for the PMP exam and looking for a 35 contact hours training program. While searching the internet, you become confused about Contact Hours Vs PDUs. You see some programs that are offering contact hours and PDUs in the same course. Something similar happened to me and can happen to anyone preparing for …

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CAPM Online Proctored Exam: Attempt the CAPM Exam Home or Office


This blog post will explain the CAPM Online Proctored Exam. When I heard about the online exams for the first, I thought that these exams were conducted at home through a PC with an internet connection. However, I was wrong, as these exams are held in a controlled environment at dedicated centers.  Now it seems …

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