Informal Communication: Definition, Types, Examples, Advantages & Disadvatages

Definition: Informal communication is casual discussion among coworkers. It is unofficial and does not conform to any rules, processes, or chain of command. Informal communication can happen within the same level or between higher and lower-level staff and is based on the social relations formed inside the workplace.

Informal communication helps build relationships and create a healthy environment in an organization. It gives employees a sense of belonging to an organization.

Types of Informal Communication

Informal communication can be of four types.

  1. Single Strand Chain: This communication passes from one person to another. A person communicates with another and then he transmits the information to another person and the chains go one by one.
  2. Gossip Chain: This is a group conversation. People talk in groups and spread the message.
  3. Probability Chain: Here communication is passed randomly from person to person. The communications flow randomly in all directions.
  4. Cluster Chain: Here a person shares the message with a group of chosen individuals and then they share this information with other groups.

Examples of Informal Communication

  • Gossip
  • Instant message
  • Phone call
  • Conversation

Advantages of Informal Communication

  • It encourages a free exchange of ideas 
  • Employees feel connected and have a sense of belonging
  • It increases employees morale
  • It bridges gaps among departments
  • It creates a friendly environment in an organization

Disadvantages of Informal Communication

  • It is uncontrolled with no trail
  • It can cause misunderstandings
  • It lacks accuracy and is mostly based on the assumption
  • It can affect productivity
  • It can promote rumors and internal politics


Informal communication is a part of an organization’s culture and helps grow the organization. Though it is uncontrolled and has no trail, it allows a free exchange of ideas, creates a healthy environment and employees feel motivated and connected to the organization. 

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