GE McKinsey Matrix: Definition, Examples, and Limitations

GE McKinsey Matrix

Consider a business that is doing well but has fewer growth opportunities and another business doing poorly in an attractive growing market. Where will the business invest? Organizations have limited resources, and there is always competition for these resources among different teams, departments, and business units. Organizations with diversified portfolios find it challenging to decide …

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BCG Matrix: Definition, Example and Limitation

BCG Matrix

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix was introduced by Bruce Henderson in 1970. The BCG Matrix is also called the BCG Growth-Share Matrix and is one of the most popular portfolio planning tools. This matrix helps businesses analyze their portfolios under one table.  This matrix shows the organization’s products and services under different segments so …

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Ansoff Matrix: Definition, Examples, and Benefits

Ansoff Matrix

Businesses make strategic plans to grow. They use different marketing strategies to penetrate the market. No business enters the market without understanding market trends. It is essential to know the market and listen to customers’ feedback while trying to meet their needs. The Ansoff Matrix is a tool that helps organizations scale their business. It …

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Liability of Foreignness: Definition, Meaning & Example

Liability of Foreignness

Definition: Liability of Foreignness (LOF) defines the disadvantages a company has in a foreign country because of being foreign. They have this disadvantage due to different cultures, languages, customs, regulations, and market environments. Liability of Foreignness brings new challenges for organizations to deal with, and this costs a business additional expenses and effort to operate. …

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