What is Concierge Service?

Concierge Service

These days, people working in the business are swamped with work and have little time to complete their responsibilities. Because of this, they look for someone to run their errands and plan their calendars for them. This is the fundamental tenet around which concierge services are built. A concierge is someone who runs errands on …

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What is Net Present Value (NPV)? Definition & Example

net present value (NPV)

The Net Present Value (NPV) is used to evaluate a project’s financial viability. In project management, the financial gain from a project is a tangible benefit, and NPV help measures this benefit. During the feasibility study, it will be computed, and the results will be incorporated into the business case. Return on investment (ROI), Internal …

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What is Economic Surplus? Definition & Example

economic surplus

Definition: Economic surplus is the sum of the producer surplus and the consumer surplus. It shows the benefits for all involved parties. This economic metric helps evaluate the market’s health. Economic surplus follows the rule of supply and demand. Businesses want to sell products at a higher price to earn more profit without alienating buyers, …

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What is Consumer Surplus? Definition & Example

consumer surplus

Consumer surplus, also known as buyer’s surplus, measures the economic benefit of a certain product’s price to consumers. It occurs when consumers pay less for a product than the maximum price they are willing to pay. Consumer surplus increases as the price of the product fall and decreases as the price rises. Consumer’s Surplus = …

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