Marxism: Definition, Theory, Ideology, History & Beliefs EXPLAINED

What is Marxism in simple terms?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels proposed the Marxism theory to study social class differences. 

This theory balances the working class and the ownership class. 

Marxism emerged in 1848 through a manifesto written by Karl Marx (alongside Friedrich). The manifesto, “The Communist Manifesto,” analyzes and criticizes the capitalist political system. 

The manifesto emphasizes the different classes in society and the struggles of the lower class (workers). It focuses on equality between different social classes.

This theory aims to change “the rich stay rich.”

Marxism defines the different economic classes, specifically between the capitalists (the ‘rich’) and the proletariat (the workers). This theory posits the relation between these classes and aims at communism.

What’s communism?

Communism is a theory of a stateless society where every person is treated equally. It is based on the idea of common ownership without differences in social and economic class. 

Communism is the implementation of Marxism.

Marxism is a well-known social and economic theory in sociology and philosophy. It analyzes social, economic, and political values and examines the problems with capitalism.

In basic terms?

The capitalist system exploits the lower class and its means of production, while the bourgeoisie class individuals are more economically powerful and politically influential. 

In sociology, Marxism is a powerful method used for socioeconomic system analysis.

History of Karl Marx’s Marxism Theory 


Marxism is a theory based on the ideas of Karl Marx. Marx was born in Germany in 1818 and died in London in 1883.

German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed this ideology in the nineteenth century. 

Marx wrote this theory at a time of huge social change.

This socioeconomic analysis uses historical materialism to understand social classes in our economic environment. 

How did Karl Marx address Marxism concerning Capitalism?

The exploitation is the working class by the top class.

Marxism is concerned about the friction between the working and owner classes. Karl Marx’s theory pushes for communism and socialism rather than capitalism, where “the rich keep getting richer.”

Friedrich Engels and Marx came up with the communist theory, which implements Marxism.

In 1847, both philosophers wrote the Communist Manifesto based on Engel’s “The Principles of Communism.”

Capitalism theory faced several criticisms from experts. 

Marx showed how capitalists (top tier class individuals) capitalize on surplus labor. Capitalism exploits labor for more production – which belongs to employers.

To understand Marxism, it is necessary to understand its opposite – Capitalism.

Capitalism represents a society based on private ownership. Here, a few people own the business.

Employees do not own these corporations nor have any partnerships.

Marx saw communism as a tool to liberate society. He put forward his theory during the industrial revolution – the time when Britain and other countries were going through economic and political change. 

At that time, everyone had access to all lands; then, the government forced people to move to the cities through changes in policies and regulations. After reaching the cities, villagers started searching for work. These jobs were tough and required hard labor.

This created a difference in the society; the factory owners (or bourgeois) and the working class (proletariat). 

Marx saw the system that ensured the poor stayed poor, the rich continued to get richer, and the working class as being treated unfairly by business owners.

The employer in capitalism owns the business growth and profit.

According to Marx, the capitalist system is designed to exploit workers.

How Do You Explain Marxism to a Child?

In society, top-tier citizens make money while the working class does the work. 

That’s what Marxism aims to change.

For example, a Marxist replaces that with cooperative ownership rather than running a privately owned company. 

What does cooperative ownership mean?

Members own and control the company in cooperative ownership for an agreed, shared benefit or revenue. 

The cooperative ownership form of business is democratic and works with the Marxism philosophy. It is an autonomous organization of people who operate the company, combining capital for a shared revenue or benefit. 

If a person starts a company and continues to own it, the ownership is private. 

When two or more people start a business and share the profits, it is cooperative ownership. 

So, what’s the difference between private and cooperative ownership?

When people use a company’s product and operate the business, it is cooperative ownership. While in private ownership, only the owner reaps the benefits and makes decisions. 

This means owners keep getting richer while workers don’t get the benefits. 

Marx believed there’s a continuous struggle by the workers that must be addressed. 

Why should workers do the hard work while owners get the credit?

Marxism suggests eliminating the difference between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. 

That is Marxism.

What are Some Popular Marxist beliefs?

The objective of Marxism is to achieve democratic governance

Let’s find out who is a Marxist.

A Marxist is someone who works with the political, social, and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich. 

Marxists are against the political and economic system in which specific owners run companies, industries, or organizations for profit rather than communism. 

Marxists believe everyone should be treated equally in the system. 

Today’s political system keeps making the rich richer while putting more labor on the working class. 

Mega-corporations like Apple, Coca-Cola, etc., are owned by individuals or groups of institutions.

With Capitalism, private individuals or groups hold the production powers. 

And that’s what Marxists are against!

Marxists believe all should be treated equally, especially regarding the economy. Marxists argue that the working class will lead the revolution (socialism). They focus on eliminating the struggles between the capitalists and the working class citizens.

A Marxist believes that individuals should work in a company, share revenue and benefits, and partake in crucial organizational decisions. 

Some popular Marxist beliefs are:

Alienated Labor – Alienation is a system whereby workers do not reap the fruits of their labor. In Alienated Labor, workers work like animals.

Marx saw this type of labor as forced labor. The worker is made to feel foreign to the products they make.

Marxists believe that labor alienation separates humans from their potential.

The idea of capitalism makes work difficult for the working class. Marx’s major concern was how factory owners treated and ‘overused’ their employees. 

The idea behind capitalism increased the workload on the low-class people in society. And according to Marx, a capitalist society becomes “alienating.” This means that the workers are Alienated as their labor isn’t as important.

Marxism focuses on helping workers change this by employing theories like communism.

Class Struggle – Class struggle in society has been evident throughout history, and it’s one of the oldest forms of social and economic struggle. 

According to Marx’s theory, class struggle is one of the major struggles that come with capitalism. 

He believed that the capitalist society creates a distinction between people, which is wrong. The capitalist structure creates inequality by putting more money in the hands of the few.

And according to Marx, there are two classes in our society; the bourgeoisie (the rich) and the proletariat (workers). 

According to this phenomenon, this class struggle happens when the bourgeoisie uses capital to pay workers (the proletariat) to run their companies or businesses. 

Workers work with no involvement in management affairs. 

For instance, an employee works for five years and earns USD 10,000 per month while the company’s revenue keeps growing. Employees do not get the benefit of business growth.

According to Marx, there are two major forms of class struggles. These are:

  • Economic 
  • Political 

The Economic: This posits that the proletariat struggle with the bourgeoisie through labor, revenue, and capital. 

Political: The bourgeoisie possesses political power through democracy.

Marx predicted an overthrow of the rich class by the working class. Max said that every class struggle is a social and political struggle. 

Materialist Determinism – In the early days, materialism meant all things are made up of matter. Later, philosophers restated that all existence is made up of energy.

Determinism is a philosophical theory that suggests all decisions or choices are determined by existing causes and the laws of nature. 

Determinism has several forms. A few are:

  • Causal Determinism 
  • Soft Determinism
  • Pre-determinism Determinism 
  • Theological Determinism 
  • Adequate Determinism 

Materialist Determinism is a society where material factors influence our moral, cultural, and intellectual choices. And for this, Marx predicted an overthrow of the rich class.

Individualism – Individualism is being self-reliant. But in philosophy, individualism is a social theory that posits freedom of action from economic and state control. It is a theory of human nature and a political, social, and cultural belief of individuals in a society. 

According to Marx, human values are self-centered, and individuals should decide the work they put in and the benefits they get.

Individualism emphasizes the worth of every individual in society. 

Communism – Communism is a theory that allows property, organizations, or businesses to be owned by the community rather than the state or individual company owners. 

This phenomenon is based on eliminating the different class struggles in society. With this system, everyone shares equal labor and capital and returns benefits. 

It advocates for a classless community where everyone is equal.

This has also faced some criticism in the past by various philosophers.

Communism strives to create a social and economic balance in society. In a communist country or society, goods and services are available to all, and it aims to replace or overthrow the capitalist ideology with a communally owned system.

This theory is a socialist movement to achieve a community where each person contributes and receives rewards according to needs and labor.

What is the Difference Between Marxism and Communism?

By definition, Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory or philosophy that examines the effect of capitalism on society and how it affects the working class citizens.

Marxism is a political and economic philosophy.

While communism is based on the Marxism theory – it assumes common ownership with no social difference in the society. 

Communism aims to see a stateless society where everyone is equal in the community. 

What, then, is the difference?

Marxism and communism work hand in hand. Marxism is a theory, while communism is the implementation of Marxism. 

The theory is based on common ownership without social classes or money. It is a political movement or state of society.

Communism realizes the need for a stateless society, while Marxism is the communist framework philosophy. It is a system where individuals with agreed benefits own goods or products. 

Several countries may define themselves as communist countries, but none of them is a true communist country.

For Marxism to exist in society, communism must have taken place. 

Communism is a social and political system based on Marxism.

Marxism Vs Socialism

Socialism is a political theory emphasizing that labor should have a share in the business profit. 

Marxism studies the difference between social and political classes in our society today, and aims to create an equal balance between the bourgeoisie and the working class. 

In socialism, the society owns the property, not individuals or governments.

Socialism is an ideology that public ownership of public, government or organizational resources will lead to a better economy and society. This will promote equality rather than portray the different economic and political classes.

What is an Example of Socialism?

A country is socialist if it is written in the constitution. Many countries practice socialism, but only a few recognize themselves as socialist states. 

In a country, socialism can exist in various forms. This could be through the economic running of the state, corporate organizations, public schools, or healthcare organizations. 

Most of these Socialist countries are based on Karl Marx’s theory. 

What’s an example?

Zambia’s Healthcare system works with a socialist ideology. Healthcare is universal, and no individual owns it. 

The following are examples of socialist countries:

  • Republic of Angola
  • State of Eritrea
  • Republic of India
  • Portuguese Republic 
  • People’s Republic of Mozambique 
  • People’s Republic of Bangladesh 
  • Cooperative Republic of Guyana 
  • Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
  • Republic of Nicaragua 
  • United Republic of Tanzania 
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam 

Not all countries that practice socialism have stated that in their constitution.

For instance, China’s economy is state-run. Also, North Korea is a socialist country with no stock market. Other places like Cuba, Zambia, etc., have elements of Socialism, though it is said that no country has a fully socialist economy.

Now, what is the difference between Marxism, Communism, and Socialism?

Difference Between Marxism, Communism, and Socialism

The Marxism theory posits a way to view our society by analyzing the social, economic, and political classes. It is a political ideology based on the Marxist ideology. 

Communism is the realization of a stateless society where everyone is equal. Communism is the practice of a political system that is based on Karl Marx’s Marxism theory. 

Socialism is a social and economic system whereby public properties, companies, or organizations are owned and managed by the community. It is a social movement that advocates transforming capitalist society into a Marxist system. 

Now, what are the similarities between Marxism, Socialism, and Communism?

The Marxist ideology aims at neutralizing the differences in social classes; Socialism sees collective ownership of public properties. 

What’s one thing they all have in common?

Marxism, socialism, and communism all have a common view on societal equality. These ideologies analyze the effects of social, economic, and political classes in society.

What is an Example of Marxist theory?

Marxism is a political theory with sociological backing.

The instability of capitalism has caused many countries to adopt the Marxist economy to bring a stable and better economy. 

Why do countries embrace Marxism?

There are several reasons why countries want to achieve a communist economy. Some of which are:

  • The instability of the capitalist market
  • Economic and political class struggle
  • The negative role of Financial Capital
  • The revolutionary prediction against the bourgeoisie (the rich).

To begin with, the most popular communist country in the world today is The Current Communist Chinese government. 

In 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong became leader, created a communist country, and named it the People’s Republic of China.

Analysts say that the Communist Party of China posits a capitalist system. But President Xi Jinping promotes a Marxist society in China. 

This is something several countries aim to achieve – a communist system. 

What’s one simple illustration to explain Marxism better?

A Marxist reading of Cinderella.

Why is Cinderella regarded as a Marxist?

Cinderella’s class structure (poor class) while the rich prince (bourgeoisie class) decides whom he will marry (Cinderella).

Another great example of Marxism is Charles Beard’s project on the American Revolution. 

To overthrow the capitalist, Marxist states and countries pay workers according to the labor they put in. A worker’s capital and benefits, reward, or revenue depends on what each worker puts in. 

Other large media and oil companies are examples of platforms that employ the Marxist system. 

What Countries are Marxist?

A communist state or country known as a Marxist-Leninist State is a state where a community administers and manages the property.

Several countries and states around the globe have declared themselves communist states (Marxism). 

And some states have governing communist policies or socialist parties. These countries have not officially adopted a socialist system and did not mention socialism in the constitution.

Some countries without constitutional references are:

  • Algeria – Arab socialism
  • Argentina – Communism
  • Chile – Libertarian socialism, communism
  • Namibia – Socialism 
  • Peru – Democratic socialism 
  • Syria – Arab socialism 
  • Venezuela – Socialism of the 21st century 
  • Bolivia – Socialism of the 21st century 
  • Angola – Democratic socialism, vanguardism 
  • Mozambique – Democratic socialism 

What does it mean when a country is communist?

This means the state that runs this system aims at creating a classless society in today’s world. Examples are China, Cuba, and Russia (former communist state).

Conclusion – Is Marxist theory Still Relevant?

Even 150+ years after his death, Philosopher Karl Marx is still one of the most talked about and controversial figures in today’s economic society. 

So is the Marxist theory still relevant today?

It depends on several things (location, type of government, population, economy, etc.), but yes.

Why’s that so?

The entire objective of Marxism is to create a balance in society. Social classes and political differences should never exist in today’s society. 

Consider a society where everyone contributes and gets rewards for their work. 

The capitalist system most countries use today forces the poor to stay poor while the rich keep getting wealthier. How?

For instance, laborers in an organization do not earn as much as the owners or founders. 

Marx tried to change this system. Many experts believe the theory is still relevant and will remain so.

How is Marxism relevant for understanding our society today?

The Marxism ideology is still relevant today, and it will remain relevant. Many countries and states still strive toward a free and equal society. 

Marxism also came with a lot of criticism. Some philosophers argue that the Marxist economy would fail. 

Some philosophers today say China became significant in the world with the capitalist economic system. 

Another example is Venezuela, which is also a communist country. The citizens voted for the Marxist economic system to better their lives, but the system didn’t turn out to achieve its objective.

People faced an economic breakdown which caused many to be financially unstable. 

But in conclusion, Marx believed that countries would overthrow the capitalist system (the bourgeoisie) and more states would move towards a socialist political system. 

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